Contributor and maintainer for python-gcm a Python library for sending push notifications through Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM), now called Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
Google Flutter project contributor (SDK, plugins, engine)
Uber API contributor and community helper
Digital Ocean Hacktoberfest T-shirt winner for Android development contributions to Daily Dozen app
Contributed scripts and tutorial about how to build, run and instrument Android apps with C and C++ code in them through Valgrind
Added support to Twitter4j library for getting the email of user from Twitter API
Contributed romanian locale improvements
Improvements and bug fixes to HoloBackup, a GUI to Android's native backup function.
Contributed code to be more pythonic and made it Python 3.x compatible for a minimalist Hacker News app for Linux
Contributed code quality improvements to a small web-based monitoring dashboard for Linux
Ported Struts 2 framework to Google App Engine (GAE)
Added support to se-scraper to retrieve website from Google infobox
Design and implementation of public transport REST API at civic hackathon
Contributed map improvements to OpenStreetMap, a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world
Made it easier for people to discover local places by mapping the world around visited placed